Man, this guy is not messing around. Look at that face! I would trust him with any project. Tiling the bathroom? You can do it Eagle. Setting out a balanced budget? No problemo. Improving public infrastructure by coordinating with three levels of government bureaucracy? Don't make him laugh.
The Austere Eagle is handmade of polymer clay with a tightly wrapped tin foil ball for insides. This keeps him nice and light so he's more likely to bounce than break should he ever trip and fall. Not that he would ever, and if he did I would certainly never mention it. He's also got the Nugs logo branded on his backside so you'll know who raised him right.
The Austere Eagle will be hand made after you place your order, so while we are very skilled (if I do say so myself), there may be slight variations between the Austere Eagle you receive and the Austere Eagle pictured here. Rest assured that he will come ready to solve all of life's little dilemmas.
Your Austere Eagle will be shipped to you in a box, and in that box he will be resting in a velveteen pouch (as seen in the pictures), but the dice are just there for scale. Though it would likely lead to all kinds of fun, three dice will not be included with your Austere Eagle order :)